Though their intelligence is limited, Kapaks are superb fighters, fiendishly clever in their ability to catch victims off-guard and take advantage of opponents' weaknesses. Kapaks rarely attack unless their opponents are at some sort of disadbantage. Because of their cunning, Kapaks make excellent assassins.
Most (70%) Kapaks have the following abilities: move silently (base chance of 15%), hide in shadows (base chance of 10%), and find/remove traps (base chance of 20%). A few (10%) have these abilities at a higher level. To determine the level of the more skilled Kapaks, roll 1d6 and multiply the result by 5; this gives the percentage increase (above the base) in each skill. (For instance, a roll of 4 indicates a 20% increase over the listed chances).
Kapaks can bite for 1d4 points of damage, but they prefer to use weapons such as short swords, daggers, slings, bows, maces and broad swords. Kapaks often lick their weapons before engaging in combat to coat them with venom. Victims bitten by a Kapak or stuck by a venom coated weapon must roll a successful saving throw vs. poison or become paralyzed for 2d6 turns. The poison evaporates from a weapon in three rounds; it takes a Kapak one rull round to poison a weapon again after the previous coating has evaporated (they can do this while engaged in melee).
Kapak frequently wear leather or scale mail armor. Leather reduces their AC to 2, while scale mail reduces it to 1. If a shield is carried, the AC is reduced by another point. Because of their strength, wearing armor does not significantly redcue the Kapaks ability to move.
When a Kapak reaches 0 hit points, its body instantly dissolves into a ten-foot-wide pool of acid. Alll within the pool suffer 1d8 points of damage per round from the acid (no saving throw). The acid evaporates in 1d6 rounds. All items possessed by the dissolved Kapak, including treasure and magical items are rendered useless by the acid.