- Animals
- Horse, riding
- Saddle blanket
- Saddle, riding
- Items Readied
- Crossbow, light repeeting
- Crossbow, light repeeting, quarrel x9
- Items Worn
- Backpack
- Chow Kit, Adventurers'
- Flint and steel
- Potion of Extra-healing
- Rope, silk (50 ft)
- Spellbook, Travelling
- Spellbook, Travelling
- Tent, small
- Torch x4
- Wineskin
- Belt
- Belt pouch, large
- Fishhook
- Flint and steel
- Map or scroll case
- Parchment (per sheet) x12
- Quill
- Wax, White, 1/2 lb
- Writing ink (per vial)
- Mirror, small metal
- Potion of Extra-healing
- Soap
- Steel etcher
- Boots, High soft
- Bracers of Defense AC 4
- Cap, hat
- Clothing, Set (Traveler's Outfit)
- Gloves
- Quiver, Crossbow Bolts (Quarrels)
- Ring of Protection +3
- Spending Money