- Animals
- Horse, riding
- Saddle blanket
- Saddle, riding
- Items Carried
- Items Readied
- Items Worn
- Backpack
- Caltrop x10
- Chow Kit, Adventurers'
- Composite long bow, flight arrow x4
- Composite long bow, sheaf arrow x11
- Grappling hook
- Mist Tent
- Piton x10
- Poison, Beastman Blowgun x2
- Rope, silk (50 ft)
- Torch
- Winter blanket
- Belt
- Belt pouch, large
- Blowgun
- Blowgun, needle x20
- Candle x3
- Chalk x3
- Fishhook x3
- Flint and steel
- Holy item
- Mirror, small metal
- Sewing needle
- Signal whistle
- Whetstone
- Dagger
- Healer's bag
- Boot hose
- Boots of Elvenkind
- Breeches
- Cap, hat
- Cloak of Elvenkind
- Drawers
- Full armor, studded leather
- Gloves
- Quiver
- Composite long bow, flight arrow x4
- Composite long bow, sheaf arrow x20
- Shirt
- Spending Money
- * Gold Pieces x41
- * Silver Pieces x7