Racial Abilities Aim Bonus - +1 to Aim subability.
Infravision - 120' infravision range. Drow infravision is so intense that their eyes actually radiate heat; someone viewing a Drow through infravision sees two burning eyes atop a normally glowing torso.
Magic Resistance 62% - At the start, Drow are 50% magic resistant, and every level they raise by 2% (to a maximum of 80% at 16th level). Multi-classes use their highest level for this bonus.
Additionally, Drow recieve a bonus of +2 on all saves involving magic. This includes devides that emit magical effects or are powered by magic. This magic resistance does not hamper their ability to use magic themselves, however.
Resistance 90% - 90 percent resistant to sleep and charm-related spells.
Secret Doors - Because of their acute senses, elves are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden entranceways. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door allows an elf a one-in-six chance (a 1 on 1d6) to notice it. If actively searching, an elf's chances improve to a two-in-six chance (1 or 2 on 1d6) to find secret doors, and a three-in-six chance (1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) to notice a concealed door.
Spell Abilities - Once a day the drow elf can cast "faerie fire", "dancing lights", and "darkness 15'" as a priest or wizard of the same level. When the character reaches 4th level, he can add "levitate", "detect magic", and "know alignment".
In addition, a Drow priest can cast "clairaudience", "detect lie", "suggestion", and "dispel magic" once per day.
Stealth - When the Drow is alone and is not wearing metal armor (unless it's Drow Chain Mail or he is with a group of other Drow), he gains a bonus to surprise opponents. The opponent suffers a -4 penalty, a -2 if the elf has to open a door.